This is our last class with Ms Lisa and we all had a great time with this amazing person and she's a very talented person in her own way and I adore and love her work. Its like she creating something new but actually re-invented the same thing and turn it into something new. So what we did for our last class was, we did a large scale painting on a canvas with two different genres of music which is classical and modern. Its my first time doing it so, its not that pretty but i came up with something i felt. everyone thought i was high on weeds or something because mine was 'different' in both ways, haha. So here are the picture.
This was the 2nd canvas which is the modern music. I was lazy to use the brushes, i end up using my fingers and palm as my brushes.
And here is the end product of both genre.
Eveyone was busy, and i had to take my own picture with the paintings.
Group Photo time !