Monday, April 15, 2013

Week . . . I lost count : Part 5

Hello once again muggles! I've finished my monograms and stencil it onto some items of my belonging. I didnt took a photo of myself while doing it and i only have a photo of the results. 

Here it is!

Its not that good and i made a mistake for the tshirt. 

Thats all for now! I'll continue once I've completed the 2nd task of this activity!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week . . . I lost count : Part 4

I'm still at Miri during the monograms briefing and I managed to read the slides and asked my friends what should we do and this is my idea of my monograms

Miss Lisa likes the Arabic Calligraphy but she said Mim-Nun-Alif was not that nice and it spells MiNA so she asked me why dont I use my nickname Ajim but using a arabic word 'Jim' instead of my initials. So I gave it a try and i came up with this idea

And i manged to created a 3 way picture and i didnt even realized till Jun told me. There's a man riding a horse, a seahorse, a duck and a figure of a woman. So i scanned it and edit using a phototshop to make it look sharp and clean and here's the outcome


Week . . . I lost count : Part 3

The day of installation has come but sadly im not here during the installation because I had to go back to Miri to attend the wedding cause I was the best man and I have no choice. I can't say much in this post cause i wasn't there during the installation. I is Sad :(


Space Hockey

The whole view

Space Hockey again

Checkers again



Super Mario

and OUR Arcade

Pixel Square

Week . . . I lost count : Part 2

Second meeting is more to consult us about what they want for their signage and we gave them the felxibilty to choose their own font and idea instead of us giving out the ideas. Most of them like to use the original fonts.

Tetris font was made by our own wizkid : Denny Hartanto

Was made by: Li Wei, Denny and I did the Mario icon

Pacman wanted the original font to maintain its originality

Space Hockey's font was found by Denny 


Last but not least me, Lisa and Zue goofying around.

Week . . . I lost count

Hello! Yes im late, sorry Miss Lisa if you are reading this in the future. Don't kill me :)

Our last assignment was a group assignment and its all about WHITE PAPER INSTALLATION and all of us has their own job to do. My group had to do all of the signage all of the 6 games which is Super Mario, Tetris, Pacman, Whack-A-Mole, Space Hockey and Checkers including the "arcade's" name. 

Here is main idea of the installation

And here is the Group listing.

Thats all from me!