Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 2

Okay. For this week, Ms. Lisa's already asked us to form a group of 5 or 6 for a group assignment. We get to choose our own member, so I decided to pick out Alya, Arasi, Ilona, Priya and Marc. Ms. Lisa's picked a topic and we have to make a furniture out of thrown or unused item. This is our unfinish furniture. It's still in progress though

Hanging Lamp


From left: Priya, Marc, Ilona, Alya (just her hand) and Arasi.

At this moment, we've just finished our discussion on what furniture are we going to make and we decided to make a swing and a hanging lamp. I think that's all from me today. I'll update soon if I have anything to update about this assignment.

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